Lots Less Noise in the Kitchen

Kitchen noise is so obnoxious! And the main contributor are the pots and pans. You all know it is true. I cannot count the times I have cringed at the sound of them banging together during my sons nap time or after he has gone to bed. I cannot tell you how much arranging my pots and pans has helped! Number 1 they look awesome and 2 they are so functional and lastly, number 3 they make so much less noise!!!! Win! Win! Win!

This is what my pots and pans looked like prior to starting this project and I had been telling Aaron about it for months. I saw it back here on Pintrest and just had to try and incorporate it in our new place.

So, I gave it the old college try and it worked!


Let’s be honest with one another that pots and pans are the most annoying part of any kitchen. Mine was no exception and now with a two year old I wanted a less noisy way to store them. It may only be me, however I doubt it considering my mom and grandma are some of the loudest people I know in the kitchen, but every time I try to put dishes away it is like bombs are going off everywhere.

This for me was the best way to try and eliminate the noise without bubble wrapping all of my cookware. That would be easy right. Ha, not really, so here is my step by step.

I knew that I had nine pans to hang and I wanted to put them in an order that made sense to me. You can obviously organize yours however works best for you. I grabbed these hooks at Target one afternoon just browsing the aisles.


The back gave instructions on what size drill bit use. Which I found very helpful as I would have guessed totally wrong.


So, I grabbed Aaron’s drill and went to work. I was a very meticulous process…only not at all!  I grabbed my first pot. Stuck it on the hook. Put it where I wanted in the cabinet and made a mark where I wanted my hole. Super easy. I did measure out equally from the back wall for each of my holes so they would be in a straight line. That was just my preference and again you can do whatever works for you and your space. That was another reason why I started with my Wok. It was the widest pan I was planning to hang.


After marking the spot I drilled a starter hole deep enough to fit my hook and then just screwed the hook into place. Again you can make the hooks face any direction you want. I chose to make them uniform so they aren’t all perfectly flush, but you would never know to look at it. I just know cause my little fingers did the twisting.

It gets hard at the end to screw them in but that is how you know it is a tight and solid fit. As a little added help on some I used needle nose pliers to get it the last little bit around.

Then I just made my way from left to right in the order I thought best for me.


I am thrilled with how it turned out and I cannot wait to get my lid organization on. I will share that with you as soon as it happens. It will be at least until next week before I get to that because the remainder of my week is dedicated to my sweet friend Dottie who is getting married on Saturday!!!!!!

I am so happy for her and Adam. Aaron and I are heading up Friday to work with them leading up the wedding on final details. I will share as many as I can document next week as well. The wedding is in Milwaukee so don’t you worry, we will be stopping at the cheese castle and there will be lots of pictures!!! I LOVE me some cheese!!

I leave you with the before and after picture. What projects are you going to tackle this week and weekend? I would love to see them!



9 thoughts on “Lots Less Noise in the Kitchen

  1. Abby, it look soooo good!!! yay! What a great idea. And it looks like you finished the back of that shelf with the chevron! Also looks great 😉 Luhoove!

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